New population of Blue-eyed Ground-doves discovered

Four new doves have been discovered, increasing the population of the Critically Endangered bird by 26 percent.   By Margaret Sessa-Hawkins In February 2019, staff at SAVE Brasil (BirdLife Partner) began hearing exciting reports from members of the communities

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White stork … Flight for Survival

As the famous bearer of newborn babies to expecting parents, the White stork is a widely beloved symbol of good luck. Instantly recognisable, with its black-tipped white feathers and long red beak and legs, it is a familiar sight across Europe where it commonly lives close

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World’s only tool-using vulture risks being lost forever

Hailed for its intelligence and majesty, the Egyptian Vulture was admired and worshipped throughout history. But decimated by poisoning, electrocution and illegal trophy hunting, the bird that was once an Ancient Egyptian hieroglyph is now Endangered. Can we save it before

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7 things we’re doing to protect migratory birds

This year, we held the first ever global summit for flyways conservation, uniting a panoply of countries and sectors. On World Migratory Bird Day, we’re sharing some of the most important decisions we made in order to ensure the miracle of migration will be there for future

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