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Experience the Miracle of Bird Migration

Come and visit our bird observatory to experience life the wonder of migration. We’re passionate about the amazing birds that migrate over Lebanon. Long-Legged buzzards, Storks, Cranes, pelicans and more visit our country twice a year during their migration journey. Our bird observatory is located on the mountain top of our Hima in Hammana, 30 km east from Beirut. Hamanna is positioned at a major bottleneck for migratory soaring birds.. We strive to share this passion of migratory soaring birds with the people of Lebanon and abroad to encourage the preservation of our flyway, stop the illegal killing of birds, work towards responsible hunting, for generations to come. It is a small operation with limited staff, many volunteers or Homat al Hima who observe, count, research, watch and photograph birds daily. Bring your binoculars and camera, come and visit us for the day.