Threatened Species
Thirteen species of mammals were documented using camera trapping in Jabal Moussa Biosphere Reserve in Lebanon. The presence of seven carnivores and most interestingly the Rock Hyrax, Procavia capensis, was confirmed. Data on annual activity were also included for all
The smallest goose species in the genus Anser, the Lesser White-fronted Goose (Anser erythropus) is ranked as globally threatened, being recognized as Vulnerable by the IUCN and ranked by BirdLife International as ‘SPEC 1’ within Europe, denoting a European species of global
One of SPNL’s strategy is to protect globally threatened species, amongst them are Sea Turtles. There are two species of sea turtles that breed in Lebanon and swim off the coast, the Green Turtle and the Loggerhead Turtle. Both are highly endangered, internationally, and
The Syrian Serin or Serinus Syriacus bird (النّعار السوري) is considered globally threatened and is currently classified as Vulnerable (VU) by Birdlife International (2011). The population of Syrian Serin is gradually decreasing in most of its basic locations since 1996 due
The common otter was first seen in Anjar in 2007 feeding on fish, via a monitoring camera of a restaurant. This incidence led SPNL to investigate more about this species and initiate efforts to protect it. Distribution: occur in North Africa, East Mediterranean and