Launching of the SNOW Program in Anjar

SPNL is announcing the launching of its School with No Walls (SNOW) program in Hima Anjar –Kfar Zabad, through the initiation of the first Hima Educational Summer Camp in the area. SNOW is an educational program initiated by SPNL in collaboration with its partner Great

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Improving the Water Availability at Hima Upper Akkar

The Social, Ecological and Agricultural Resilience in the Face of Climate Change (SEARCH) project aims at developing and piloting a resilience framework for local action planning capacities and methodologies to increase climate change resilience through joint learning,

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SPNL uses a traditional Hima approach in IBA conservation

The revival of the hima system at the Kfar Zabad marshlands in the Bekaa Valley, Lebanon, is empowering communities to take responsibility for managing local resources. This approach is being championed by the Society for Protection of Nature in Lebanon (BirdLife in Lebanon)

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A Planning Meeting for Hima El-Fakiha (Anti-Lebanon Range)

SPNL organized a planning meeting for Hima El-Fakiha on Thursday July 18 2013, ensuring the participation of the main stakeholders mainly municipality, CREADEL NGO, and SPNL. Five main economic sectors have been identified in the region namely: hunting, grazing, ecotourism,

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Sharing or sparing land for nature?

A new ecological study of novel human-influenced ecosystems should change the debate about whether farmers should be sharing land with nature or sparing land for nature. Sparing land for nature Lately the sparing-v-sharing argument seems to have been going the way of the

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World Migratory Bird Day in HimaKfarZabad

On Saturday 11 May 2013 SPNL, the municipality of Kfar Zabad and Anjar, organized a World Migratory Bird Festival in Hima Kfar Zabad. The festival took place through the generous funding of the UN Women Fund for Gender Equality, in collaboration with the Global Environment

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El Fekha Claimed as a New Hima

SPNL in partnership with the Fakha municipality and CREADEL social organization have declared on 6 May 2013 a new Hima site in the village of El Fekha in the Anti-Lebanon Mountains of Bekaa. The project funded by the CEPF, was launched in a ceremony attended by the SPNL

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