Saving the vultures of Saudi Arabia

By Dr. Mohammad Shobraq An overview of the vulture species that nest in Saudi Arabia, the threats they are facing and what BirdLife is doing to help them. Vultures are one of the most threatened families of birds in the entire world and their decline has been shockingly

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Warmer climate threatening to northern birds

Will northern birds such as the Siberian jay and the red-flanked bluetail be gone in 50 years? There is a huge risk since a deteriorating climate for breeding is imminent. Another six species are also under threat and will require particular conservation actions in order to

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Pufferfish Love Explains Mysterious Underwater Circles

In 1995, divers noticed a beautiful, strange circular pattern on the seafloor off Japan, and soon after, more circles were discovered nearby. Some likened these formations to “underwater crop circles.” The geometric formations mysteriously came and went, and for

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6 things you might have missed from the 2016 Red List

By Alex Dale,  ales of parrots in peril and giraffes in jeopardy dominated the headlines when the 2016 edition of the Red List was published last week. But while the plight of world-famous species inevitably catches the media’s eye, there are many other interesting and

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The European robin (Erithacus rubecula)

By Fouad Itani The European robin (Erithacus rubecula), is a distinctive looking bird from the Muscicapidae family. It measures 14cm in length, with a wingspan of 22cm, and an average weight of 18g. The European robin  is by far the king of the gardens and one of the most

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