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Ghassan Ramadan-Jaradi National Council for Scientific Research, P.O.Box 118281, Beirut, Lebanon Faculty of Science, Lebanese University, Hadath, Lebanon (Received January 2019 – Accepted January 2020) Lebanese Science Journal, Vol. 21, No. 1, 2020 37
Ghassan Ramadan-Jaradi* and Mona Ramadan-Jaradi Faculty of Science, Section 1, Lebanese University, Beirut, Lebanon Received: December 7, 2020; Revised: January 24, 2021; Accepted: January 29, 2021 Source: Jordan Journal of Natural History, 8, 2021 Pages: 23-28 Abstract:
Monitoring Illegal killing and taking of birds at Qaraoun Black-Spot (Anjar/Kfarzabad, Qaraoun, Khirbet Qanafar sub black- spots) in Lebanon Springs 2020 By SPNL Ghassan Ramadan Jaradi and Homat Al-Hima Teams August 2020 INTRODUCTION Qaraoun Black Spot (QBS) is formed
Monitoring Illegal killing and taking of birds at Qaraoun Black Spot (Anjar/Kfarzabad, Qaraoun, Khirbet Qanafar sub black spots) in Lebanon Autumn 2020 By Saad Ramadan and Homat Al Hima Teams Under the supervision of Ghassan Ramadan-Jaradi On Behalf of SPNL Autumn 2020
Monitoring of Illegally Killed Birds in Akoura (Autumn 2020) By Saad Ramadan Under supervision of Ghassan Ramadan Jaradi, PhD December 2020 INTRODUCTION The Akoura Hima received the second autumn monitoring in 2018 using a combination of transect and point count monitoring
Monitoring of Illegally Killed Birds in Akoura (Spring 2020) By Ghassan Ramadan Jaradi, PhD August 2020 INTRODUCTION The previous monitoring activities in Akoura were using a combination of transect and point count monitoring methods. Transects and point counts are randomly
Project title: Building the ecologic and socio-economic resilience of the Shouf Mountain Landscape by restoring and strengthening the socio-cultural fabric which sustains its biodiversity and cultural values Report title: Monitoring of Biodiversity Indicators in the West
Project title: Building the ecologic and socio-economic resilience of the Shouf Mountain Landscape by restoring and strengthening the socio-cultural fabric which sustains its biodiversity and cultural values Report title: Mountain Pastures’ Restoration in Lebanon: A review
We are delighted to announce the launch of the brochure titled: “Making Your Own Butterfly Garden: A Startup Guide” Husein Ali Zorkot The Guide is describing the fun and knowhow of butterfly gardening, a sustainable type of gardening, anywhere at home, on a