Homat Al-Hima Guideline Manual

By Assad Serhal, Director General, SPNL [button color=”green” size=”small” link=”http://www.spnl.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/HHGmanual-web.pdf” icon=”” target=”true”]Download the Guideline Manual [/button] Homat

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Places matter, they map our lives

MedScapes (2014-2015): An EU funded project to develop Landscape Character Assessment, as a tool for the effective conservation of natural heritage in the Eastern Mediterranean. Landscapes results from the interactions of different components of our environment – both

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SPNL Launches The Hima Guideline Manual

Download the Guideline By Assad Serhal – SPNL Director General  Medscapes is a project to demonstrate the importance of landscape and establish a common approach towards its management and conservation in Mediterranean countries. MedScapes Project is funded by the

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MEDITERRANEAN MONK SEAL Monachus monachus Awareness Pamphlet

The Mediterranean monk seal is one of the world’s most endangered marine mammals, with fewer than 600 individuals currently surviving. It is believed to be the world’s rarest pinniped species. The sightings of the monk seal were distributed all over the year (refer to

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The Story of Vahe and the Otter

As part of the Hima programe funded by Mava Foundation and the European Union SPNL produced an educational book in four languages (English, Arabic, French , and Armenian). The Book titled” The Story of Vahe and the Otter” describes the story of  little Vahe and his dad who

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By Assad Adel Serhal, Director General, SPNL The Hima approach is a traditional/cultural community-based approach used for the con- servation of sites, species, habitats, and people in order to achieve the sustainable use of natu- ral resources through the community. Hima

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