Mountain Pastures’ Restoration in Lebanon: A review

Project title: Building the ecologic and socio-economic resilience of the Shouf Mountain Landscape by restoring and strengthening the socio-cultural fabric which sustains its biodiversity and cultural values Report title: Mountain Pastures’ Restoration in Lebanon: A review

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Apiculture keeping Hima Hammana sweet

Bees are social and hardworking insects that produce honey, pollen, royal jelly, beeswax, propolis, and venom. In our Hima farm in Hammana, Mount Lebanon, the bees are working hard the greatest importance of honey bees to agriculture isn’t only the honey, it’s their work as

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A child without education is like a bird without wings

A child without education is like a bird without wingsRania KhalilSPNL Agricultural Coordinator - CEPF Project “Sing, Fly, Soar – Like a Bird!”This is the theme of this year’s World Migratory Bird Day, an annual global campaign dedicated to raising awareness of migratory

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Dismantling 600 meters of mist nets in Iklim Al Kharoub

Some 600 meters of bird mist nets have been removed from seven sites in Iklim El Kharoub, in the areas of Dibbiyeh, Al Borjein, Barja, and Al Shmmais. Mist nets are near-invisible nets, and birds fly straight into the net. One net can trap 400 birds. The poachers have found

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