Hima Munjez

Located in Akkar governorate, Munjez is known for its cultural practices especially agricultural activities. Since 2014, SPNL announced this area as a Hima to help improving the local’s productivity espe- cially that the level of education is consid- ered to be low in the

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Commonly known as Junipers, the JuniperusExcelsa is a tree species found in the Eastern Mediterranean and South Eastern Europe. In Lebanon, it grows at altitudes between 1500-2800m above sea level. The JuniperusExcelsa is classified as a species of least concern (LC) as part

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Important Bird Areas-IBAs: Upper Mountains of Akkar-Donnieh

Location: Located at the northern end of Mount Lebanon. This IBA stretches from Wadi Jouhannam to Qammouaa including the villages of Mechmech and Fnaideq. Total area: 5270 ha IBA Criteria met: A1, A2, A3 Explanation: A1 & A2 Evidence of at least 28 pairs of Syrian Serin

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