Jordan hosts workshop on Assessment of Ecosystem Services

SPNL participated in a workshop on Assessment of Ecosystem Services in Jordan organizedby IUCN regional office in Amman within the MAVA funded project “Nurturing NGO Capacity to Engage in Biodiversity Conservation in the Eastern Mediterranean”. Participants at the workshop

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Arab States Regional Convening on Women Empowerment

The convening was organized by the UN Women Fund for Gender Equality through its Regional Office for the Arab States in partnership with the Center of Arab Women for Training and Research “CAWTAR”in Tunis from 24 – 27 June 2013. 16 organizations participated from the Arab

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SPNL Secures a New Project on Water Resources Management

SPNL attended an Inception workshop on the 9th and 10th of June that was held in Rabat, Morocco for the launching of a new project “Regional Knowledge Network on Systemic Approaches to Water Resources Management” funded by the European Union. It is a three year regional

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LRI Reforestation Outreach project in Hima Anjar

LRI Reforestation Outreach project in Hima Anjar (May – Oct 2012) Project Goal: To raise awareness of local communities on the importance of the Syrian Serin globally threatened bird & reforestation of its habitat. Project Objectives: Awareness raising

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Revive Traditional Approaches for the Benefit of the Future

Revive Traditional Approaches for the Benefit of the Future (December 2011- May 2013) Project Goal: To promote conservation of communal natural resources through revival of traditional community based approaches. Project Objectives: Empower municipalities-local authorities

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Improving Conservation Status of the GTB

Improving Conservation Status of the GTB –  vulnerable specie in the Anjar Hima (Jan – December 2012) Project Goal: To contribute to the conservation of the Syrian Serin globally threatened bird species in Lebanon Project objective:To improve the conservation

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MSB project

Mainstreaming Conservation of Migratory Soaring Birds into Key Productive Sectors along the Rift Valley/Red Sea Flyway (Sep 2010 – December 2012) – SPNL contribution Project Goal: to ensure that globally threatened and significant populations of soaring birds that migrate

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SPNL’s journey with BirdLife International

SPNL BirdLife   SPNL was established in 1984 under the Lebanese laws, and licensed by the Ministry of Interior under Decree No.6/AD 8/1/1986. SPNL,was representative of the International Council for Bird Preservation (ICBP), which was later changed to BirdLife

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