Important Bird Areas-IBAs: Ehden Forest Nature Reserve

Location: Situated between 1200-2000 m elevation on the upper northwestern slopes of Mount Lebanon. Total area: 140 ha

IBA Criteria met: A1, A2

Explanation: Most balanced Mediterranean forest ecosystem in Lebanon. A1 & A2 migration stop over site for a number of threatened bird species such as Imperial Eagle, Lesser Kestrel and Syrian Serin.

Total number: 148 bird species.

Habitat: Mediterranean forest ecosystem, Cedars, firs, junipers, oak mixed with fire colored maples. The site contains the country’s last protected community of wild apple trees (Crabapple), and a multitude of rare and endemic plants

Ehden Forest Nature Reserve

Other wildlife interest: Over 1058 plant species (40 % of the plant species in Lebanon), 212 species are rare and 126 are threatened, 115 endemic to Lebanon and 10 endemic to Horsh Ehden, 78 medicinal plants. More than 27 mammals (10 of them are rare or threatened). Wolf, Wild cat, Porcupine, Hyena, Eurasian Badger, and Weasel. Wild Orchids, fire bellied salamander and mushrooms

Threats: Hunting, wood cutting, fires, over grazing (outside of the nature reserve)

Current conservation measures & future plans: declared by law as nature reserve in 1992. A management plan exists but needs to be updated. It is managed by the Horsh Ehden Nature Reserve Committee under the supervision of the Ministry of Environment


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